7 Steps to Get Through a Panic Attack

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Written By DerrickCalvert

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Panic attacks can be a serious problem. Panic attacks can make you feel as if you are about to die. This is because panic attacks can cause you to feel like you’re about to die.

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If you don’t understand what is happening, all of this can be very frightening. This is why panic attacks are so common.

1. Breathe

Are you feeling panic attacks? Pay attention to your breathing. Deep breathing is one of the best things you can do to reduce anxiety. Dr. Vinita Mahta, a Washington, D.C.-based clinical psychologist, said that it is one of the best ways to calm your body. Deep, slow, mindful breathing can help you relax and be present in the moment.

Dr. Mehta says, “There is solid science behind it.” She says that deep breathing can reduce stress and help to calm the body.

There are many apps for phones and videos that will help you to relax if you don’t know how to do breathing exercises.

Dr. Mehta suggests that you try breathing through your nose and exhaling from your mouth. “Some people find it useful to close their eyes and/or count to five for each inhale/exhale.

Never Miss: https://www.healthable.us/reduce-stress-and-anxiety/

2. Get to a quiet space

Panic attacks can strike when we least expect it. They can also occur in less-than-ideal situations. You don’t want any stimuli when you are in panic attack mode.

Move to a more tranquil space so you can relax. However, this does not mean that you should avoid situations. This means taking some time to regroup and then returning. This could be as easy as going to the bathroom for a few moments to deepen your breathing.

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3. Imagine something peaceful

Have you ever heard someone claim that they are mentally reaching their happy place? You might find it helpful to imagine a peaceful scene or picture.

Dr. Mehta says, “Sometimes, picturing a peaceful picture can help to engage your parasympathetic nervous systems.”

Parasympathetic nervous systems are the parts of your nervous system that help you rest and digest after a fight or flight reaction such as panic attacks. You might find it easier to control your fear and anxiety by tapping into this process.

4. Progressive muscle relaxation

Dr. Mehta suggests progressive muscle relaxation. This involves relaxing one muscle at a time and tensing the next. You could, for example, tense your feet and hold it for a few seconds before releasing.

You can focus on different muscle groups to see the difference in how they feel when they are relaxed or tense. This technique allows you to feel what your body is feeling at any given moment.

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5. Check your physical health

You will be able to distinguish between panic attacks symptoms and signs of a medical condition by knowing more about your body. Regular checkups with your doctor can help rule out other conditions that could be alarming.

“A doctor can tell if the symptoms of panic, such as shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat, shaking, sweating, and shaking, are caused by a medical condition. Dr. Mehta says that these symptoms could be due to anxiety or a medical condition. “Also, be aware of any symptoms that may occur if you have panic attacks or anxiety.

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Consider the symptoms you are experiencing. These are the same symptoms that you might experience during panic attacks? Remember the conversations you had with your doctor. You can either recite the logic or speak it aloud.

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6. Remember that this will all pass

Although panic attacks usually last for only a few moments, they can feel like a longer-lasting condition. It’s okay to admit that you are having panic attacks and that it’s not your fault. Knowing what is happening can help the feeling of doom to fade.

Dr. Mehta says, “It is helpful to remind oneself that panic attacks will pass and won’t kill you.”

7. Practice healthy habits

These tips are not the only ones that will help you reduce anxiety and panic attacks.

Dr. Mehta says that eating well, getting enough sleep, and [regular exercise] can all help with stress reduction.

Studies show that aerobic exercise such as running, biking or any other high-intensity cardio can reduce anxiety symptoms. Triggers include alcohol, smoking, and caffeine. Panic attacks can be reduced by removing these triggers from your life.

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Don’t let panic attacks stop you from living the life that you desire. An experienced therapist can help you to identify your triggers and provide tools to manage them.