Helping someone with a drug or alcohol addiction

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Written By DerrickCalvert

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First and foremost, you should know that stopping substance abuse is no small feat. Substance abusers’ brain functions are impaired when they use drugs or alcohol; thus making it even harder to rein in or stop compulsive substance abuse. You cannot make someone stop using drugs on their own; loved ones can motivate them but cannot make this change for them alone. For those living in Phoenix who need Drug rehab in Phoenix services, Spring Board Recovery offers residential (similar to inpatient) and outpatient addiction treatment facilities like Spring Board Recovery offer ideal solutions.

How can addiction be effectively treated?

Addiction is a chronic disorder that can wreak havoc on brain function and behavior. Addiction is defined as compulsive use of an addictive substance despite serious negative repercussions. You can manage addiction through evidence-based behavioral therapies or medication; alternative therapies are sometimes utilized in rehab facilities for this purpose.

Addiction occurs when someone misuses or utilizes substances inappropriately, leading to loss of control over their use – potentially impacting home, family and work life. The body’s adaptation to regular exposure of a substance often leads to tolerance and physical dependence with time.

Tolerance refers to the need to consume more drug (e.g., higher doses or more frequently) in order to feel its desired effects. As someone uses drugs regularly, their bodies adapt and become used to constant exposure; withdrawal symptoms occur when the drug is removed (or dosage significantly reduced) because their bodies adjust without it and strong cravings arise to alleviate distressing withdrawal symptoms. This may lead to difficulty quitting and returning to substance abuse behaviors.

It’s essential to note that even when taking medication as prescribed, some individuals may develop tolerance or physical dependence. This is entirely normal and does not necessarily indicate someone has an addiction. An addiction occurs when an individual uses compulsive substances in an attempt to escape responsibility for school, work, or home responsibilities. Treatment for drug and alcohol abuse is much like managing other chronic illnesses such as asthma or heart disease.

What can I do to support someone struggling with alcohol or drug addiction?

Helping someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs can be a challenge. While you cannot make them stop using, you can express your worries and offer support. For instance, inviting them for treatment assessment or encouraging them to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings could be beneficial in encouraging them to seek treatment. Your friend or relative may feel hesitant to seek help because they worry that it won’t work, but reminding them there are successful treatments available for substance abuse disorders – rehab can work! Recovering brain damage caused by compulsive, repetitive substance abuse must also be part of recovery from rehab treatments for substance abuse disorders.