Single Tooth Implants to replace a missing Tooth or Teeth

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Written By DerrickCalvert

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Single Tooth Implants to replace a missing Tooth or Teeth

Teeth become lost as a result of injuries or diseases. Trauma could be caused by an accident or over-biting. The most frequent type of the disease is tooth decay or periodontal [gum disease], however there are also other types like cancer and other neoplasms of the jaw that could cause tooth loss. Studies show that more than 50% of people suffer from missing or damaged teeth. Traumas can result in the loss of a front tooth. This could have a major effect on one’s health. A skilled Tooth Implantologist will usually be able to remove the root and replace it with the Tooth Implants. Then, a new tooth can be connected to the implant within about an hour. The loss of a single tooth in the back is typically due to tooth decay or periodontal diseases. Sometimes, it can be treated the same way as front teeth however, due to a variety of reasons, it is often more time consuming.

The procedure for missing a tooth is often according to the following:

  • The root sockets are grafted before the tooth is removed. Then wait 4 months
  • Placement of a Tooth Implant for the replacement of the tooth’s root. You should wait 4 to six months after which
  • Record-keeping and the placing of the Tooth Implant abutment. Three weeks is the minimum time for waiting.
  • Permanent attachment of the abutment to the implant. The crown is then bonded to the attachment.

It’s not always as obvious to replace a single tooth on the back as it is to replace one tooth in front. However, it’s essential. Teeth are incredibly mobile. We’ve all witnessed an Orthodontist placing tension on the tooth using a small rubber band, and then moving it wherever he’d like. Every tooth in your mouth has a place and a function. When there is a single missing tooth, the body’s natural reaction is to shift adjacent teeth towards the void which has been created. As time passes, the absence of a single tooth can actually cause a change in the position of every other tooth within the mouth. Malocclusion can lead to TMJ (tempromandibular joint) problems, muscular spasms in the shoulders and neck, food infiltration between the teeth, tooth decay, periodontal diseases, and other issues. Because these problems don’t always appear and could occur after a single tooth is lost, most people don’t link the loss of their tooth with the issues that it caused. A single tooth missing can be a major issue. However, many people are now more inclined to seek treatment as early as possible.

See also  What to Expect during Tooth Implant Treatment?

A single tooth that is missing could cause several missing teeth. Each tooth lost and not replaced accelerates the loss of additional teeth. The loss of multiple teeth can lead to more problems than one. But there are additional concerns also. These concerns include, but are not restricted to:

Vertical dimension collapse- When multiple back teeth are lost, the mouth gets weaker and the chin moves towards the nose. This causes deep folds in the corners of the mouth as well as thinning of the lips. It can accelerate the ageing process of the appearance of an individual by as much as 10-20 years.

Facial structure collapse-When several back teeth are lost facial support is reduced that causes a sunken face. This causes premature ageing.

Bone loss-The bones of our upper and lower jaws have only one natural reason for being there; they support the tooth roots. The bone begins to melt and become an muscle that’s not being utilized after the roots have gone. This could lead to reduction in facial support, which makes it difficult to wear prosthetics such as dentures. This can make the installation of Tooth Implants more challenging.

Inability to chew food correctly The mouth is the first in the series of organs created to assimilate and digest foods. The entire system will function better when we chew food properly. Mama was on the right track in her advice to us all to chew our food slowly and more thoroughly.

Inability to eat nutritious food-As increasing numbers of teeth fall out, it becomes increasingly difficult to eat an adequate diet. Important staples such as raw nuts and vegetables become difficult to consume and we miss out on the many vitamins and minerals they provide.

See also  Tooth Implants: Procedure and Benefits

It’s hard to eat the foods that we love such as corn on cob, steaks, Fajitas. can be difficult to consume. A lot of people aren’t aware of how crucial it is to be able to eat all they want until it’s too late.

Embarrassment Missing teeth can be an embarrassment. People who smile are often embarrassed or cover their smiles with their hands. This is unfortunate since we know of very few people who lost their teeth because they wanted to. Each individual has their own story and each one is sad.

These are only some of the many issues that people face when they lose one or more teeth. Tooth Implants are extremely simple and secure solutions. Tooth Implants for missing teeth or multiple missing teeth are made of artificial roots made from titanium. They replace the natural roots of teeth. For a single tooth that is missing an implant is placed, and a crown is attached to it. The result is a natural tooth that functions and works just like the natural tooth replaced. It is common to believe that the use of a Tooth Implant will be required to replace each tooth in a row of missing teeth. If three teeth are missing in the same row, it is possible to replace all of them with two Tooth Implants and a fixed-bridge between them. With the incredible All on 4 protocol and entire arch [16 teeth] can be restored with just four implants and an implant-supported bridge.

The process of placing a Tooth Implant is usually quick and almost painful for suitable. The first requirement is a sufficient amount and quality of bone. As we mentioned earlier, when the tooth is removed, the bone which once held its root, begins to disappear. Research has shown that as much as 40 percent of the bone can be lost within the first 12 months. Implantologists are modern dentists who are well-versed in the field of oral surgery. They place materials in the sockets that were originally occupied by the root of the teeth to stop this from occurring. This results in a healthy site for the future installation of the Tooth Implant. A dentist who has more experience of Tooth Implants could place an implant in the socket after the tooth has been extracted. This is the most efficient and simplest method to stop loss of bone. Tooth Implants are not well understood by many dentists. Patients tend to have a poor understanding of tooth loss. There are times when there is a need for implanting however there isn’t enough bone is available to support it. Implants with modern designs help reduce the need for this procedure as do implant placement protocols like the All on 4 method. But they aren’t able to completely eliminate the need to increase bone.

See also  The Reasons to Consider Tooth Implants